Guidance on Mandatory Record Keeping
Guidance on mandatory record-keeping
- Mandatory record-keeping requirements will come into effect from Wednesday 8 September 2021 for all businesses and locations south of Auckland and from Friday 10 September 2021 for all Northland businesses and locations.
- This means many businesses and locations will need to have record-keeping systems and processes in place, so visitors can keep a record when they visit. This can be done by scanning QR codes with the COVID-19 Tracer App or making a manual record.
- Paper-based registers should be maintained and recorded from an individual behind a counter (i.e. your receptionist) rather than viewed and operated by everyone who enters the building. If this is inconvenient or not staffed – people should be using a ballot box system.
- The Privacy Commissioner has provided guidance on how to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act while complying with the new record-keeping requirements.
- New resources have been added to the posters section of the Unite Against COVID-19 website. These include three new ‘record-keeping box’ templates in different sizes, new record-keeping slips, and a sticker for custom boxes.
- There will be no explicit obligation on the person responsible for the place or gathering to ensure that people are making a record. The obligation on businesses is to have systems and processes in place to ensure (as far as reasonably practicable) that customers or visitors make a record.
- Businesses will not be required or expected to turn people away who may refuse to make a record of their visit, particularly if the person becomes aggressive or abusive. This will be at the discretion of the business.
- Visit the Unite Against COVID-19 website to get information on mandatory record-keeping including:
o How to get your QR code poster
o Requirements for systems to record customers or visitors
o Alternative systems for record-keeping
o Contact tracing register templates
- Attachedis advice on how to display your QR code poster.