The Pito One Depot (formerly The Petone Depot)

The Pito One Depot (formerly The Petone Depot)

A people-powered, not for profit, social enterprise that collaborates with, engages and builds community through events ad activities.
Regular events include:-
  • Petone Board Gaming Society -1st friday of the month 6.30 byo dinner/7,30 games begin
  • Open Mic -every 6 weeks www,
  • Petone CropSwap -first Saturday of each month 10am
  • Koha Cafe -every Friday 10am-2pm
  • Babies in Arms koha postnatal clinic -Mondays 10-12 (except school holidays)
  • Neighbourhood Potlucks
  • Boomerang Bags making workshops - Wednesdays 10am-12noon
  • Art Classes -Thursday 9.30-12.30 (drop in to find out more)
  • Garage (Blueprint Petone) house church
  • Hutt Timebank drop in Wednesdays 10-11,30am
We prioritise happenings that are community minded and engage the local community.

Find our events/booking calendar here
There are also some private venue bookings from time to time.
Address: 8/193 Jackson Street, Petone 5012 OR via the Doreen Doolan Mall